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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Beautiful and Tasty Fall Planting-Persimmon Tree

There are so many reasons to consider planting a persimmon tree. First of all, it is a beautiful thing. The leaves look pretty all Spring and Summer and when the landscape is beginning to look bleak and the leaves are falling, it bears bright orange fruit that are great to eat and look like gorgeous ornaments. In fact, they need that first frost to ripen past their tart, lip-puckering stage.
The persimmon tree adapts well to various soils and is almost drought tolerant once established, which is why they are right at home in California. An easy-care tree, it doesn't have many enemies, and requires little trimming, mostly to keep the branches from crossing.
There are mainly two types of fruits, the firm Fuyu type, that is eaten like an apple or sliced thinly and included in an Autumn green salad. The soft Hachiya type, which is used in baking, needs to be almost jelly-like when ripe. There is nothing like persimmon breads or cookies which are soft and sweet. I love walnuts in mine.

If you see that birds have begun to eat a fruit, leave it on the tree so they will continue to eat it and not start on another. Believe me, the birds love persimmons! I would suggest not planting the tree where the fruit may fall on sidewalks or patios and try to harvest when ripe or just before. You can place your fruit on the counter for a few days to finish ripening or place in the refrigerator if in a hurry. I always feel you lose a bit of flavor by chilling them, but many people swear by this technique.
I would love to hear other ways to use either type of persimmon and see photos of your trees!

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